Seafarers Matter: Sports Tournaments, Sightseeing Tours and an Appreciation Dinner

Singapore is committed to the well-being of seafarers. For visiting seafarers with slightly longer stopover in Singapore, we have put in place welfare programmes and year-round recreational activities to ensure seafarers that call at our port are well taken care of.
Guest of Honour, President - SOS, Mr Mohamad taking a group picture with organisers and all the participants
This year, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has collaborated with Singapore Polytechnic (SP) to host the Seafarers Sports Carnival in SP. The carnival promises healthy outdoor sports and games for the seafarers. Participants had lots of fun playing human foosball, archery tag and captain's ball, allowing seafarers to take a short break from their routine at sea.
Seafarers enjoying the game of Foosball
Team getting themselves ready for the game of archery
Recognising that seafarers visiting Singapore may have limited shore-leave, MPA also organises learning tours that bring visiting seafarers to places of interests in Singapore. These tours are conducted regularly throughout the year and are available to all visiting seafarers.